Starting your day with a few habits stacked on top of each creates momentum for the rest of your day.

growth, positive, empowerment, resilience, beliefs, success, mindfulness, gratitude, self-improvement, reflection, perseverance, adaptability, learning, transformation, personal development

Hey everyone, Kevin Dooley here. Today to talk about starting your day with a few simple activities that you stack together to really start your day and gain momentum. So what I've been doing for the last five plus years, I'd say, is really based on a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. So I highly recommend that book. But what I do is, I actually start my morning the night before. So I go to bed with some positive thoughts. I've got some affirmations that I do. I say those things to myself in my head as kind of the last thing I try to think about before I fall asleep. And so when I wake up in the morning, I don't have negative thoughts from the prior day in my head already, right? Studies show that you've got 17 seconds to change your mindset when you wake in the morning. So what I do is I repeat those three affirmations that I did the night before in the morning. And from there, I go and do kind of my morning routine. I call it my wake stack, my wake up and do some things that create momentum for the rest of my day. So my wake stack starts actually the night before with three affirmations, goes on to the morning of the new day. Three affirmations. Then I go downstairs in my house and there's a few habits that I've stacked together down in my kitchen. So, again, to reference the book Atomic Habits, one of the powers of habits, right? And a habit is something you don't have to think about, right? Like it's automatic. It's wired in your brain. But you can stack some of these together to really create some momentum in your day. So I go down and I do I'll drink a full glass of water. I'll turn on the coffee maker. I'll pour a cup of coffee. I'll play. I play kind of a meditation affirmation type YouTube video and I do the same one every day. Reach out and I can tell you more about that. But so I'll stack those things on top of each other. After I do my morning YouTube, I'll go do some yoga, right? So I've got a morning yoga routine and then I'll do some more positive thinking type stuff and go for a quick walk. So I just mentioned like four or five things. I don't have to think about them, right? A makes makes me think of B, B makes me think of C, C makes me think of D and so on. So they're kind of wired in my brain. And the reason I do all this is it creates some momentum in your day. One of them I forgot is make my bed. So that's in there too. But what it does is it allows you to create some momentum and I'm not thinking about it. So I'm actually saving my brain for some more intense focus stuff that I'm going to do on the rest of my morning, right? So I do a lot of client projects. I coach startup founders and business leaders. And what I'll do is I'll have work blocks throughout my morning. And now because of my wake stack, I'm kind of running into those. I've already got a head start on my day. I already feel productive and I haven't used a lot of brain power to get there. So hopefully you can put something together like this. Happy to help build it with you. Reach out for me to mentor you or coach you. Happy to do it. And thanks for listening. Bye bye.

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